Category: Startups

SET Report 2019 – 2021: Snapshot of the Start-up Energy Ecosystem with transmission lines in the background.

SET Report 2019 – 2021: Snapshot of the Start-up Energy Ecosystem

The “SET Report 2019-2021: Snapshot of the start-up energy ecosystem”, written in cooperation with our partner Early Metrics, has been released on June 29, 2021 at our online launch event. The report […]

SET Success Stories: Clir, Lumenaza, BeeBryte & AgeVolt

In this edition of Energy Start-Up Success Stories, we will highlight the major leaps that have been made by alumni SET100 start-ups Clir, Lumenaza, BeeBryte & AgeVolt! Vancouver-based Clir has […]

What Role does Innovation Play in Climate Transformation? on a dark picture of a wind power plant

What Role does Innovation Play in Climate Transformation?

“Climate targets alone will not achieve climate protection. We do not have a knowledge problem, but an implementation problem”. This is what Prof. Claudia Kemfert, environmental expert and energy economist, […]

Finalists of the “Start Up Energy Transition Awards 2021” announced

17/03/21 Press release, Berlin (German Energy Agency, dena) 15 start-ups nominated in five categories / winners of the fifth SET Awards will be chosen at the SET Tech Festival on […]

SET Success Stories: R8tech, Adaptricity, Boreal Light & Ampaire

SET Success Stories: R8tech, Adaptricity, Boreal Light & Ampaire

In this edition of SET Start-Up Success Stories 2021, we will highlight the major leaps that have been made by 2020 SET100 start-ups R8 Technologies, Adaptricity AG, Boreal Light GmbH […]

SET Success Stories: Planet Ark Power, Einride & Enjay

In our first edition of SET Start-Up Success Stories, we will highlight the major leaps that have been made by Planet Ark Power (SET 19 Award Winner), Einride (SET 19 […]

Swedish Energy Innovation Ecosystem

Report: The Swedish Energy Innovation Ecosystem

Today more than ever, climate change finds itself at the centre of public and political attention. To solve this urgent global issue, not only do governments take action by setting […]

SET Award 2020: Five start-ups honoured in the fields of climate protection and energy transition

Winners from Australia, Germany, Italy, Philippines / Business ideas from battery systems, control software, heat management to solar lighting awarded / 570 applications from 90 countries The winners of the […]

Satellite imagery to accelerate the energy transition

Scientific innovations have proven crucial to the global plight to reduce carbon emissions and accelerate the energy transition. Space technology innovation is becoming increasingly valuable in the fight against greenhouse […]

The French start-up ecosystem at a glance

Becoming a start-up hub In 2013, the French government launched “French Tech”, an initiative promoting the development of the French start-up ecosystem and aiming to contribute to the creation of […]