SET Award 2019: Call for applications for top innovators in the energy transition

The SET initiative invites start-ups around the world to present their business ideas

The international ‘Start Up Energy Transition’ (SET) initiative invites young and innovative companies around the world to apply for the SET Award 2019. The third round of the award for business ideas in the energy transition and climate protection was launched during World Energy Week in Milan, Italy, by Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) – the German Energy Agency – in cooperation with the World Energy Council. Applications are welcome until 31 January 2019.
Applications can be submitted in five different categories: 1. Low-Carbon Energy Production, 2. Intelligent Grids, Platforms and Cyber Security, 3. Energy Efficiency, Smart Devices and Storage, 4. Innovative Mobility, 5. Special Prize: Quality Access & SDG-7. In each category, the three most promising applicants will be invited to pitch their ideas at the annual summit of the SET initiative, the SET Tech Festival.

“With the SET Award we are looking for the top innovators in the energy transition”, said Andreas Kuhlmann, Chief Executive of dena. “Our global SET community is growing rapidly. In the past two years, we had roughly 1000 applications from 88 countries. Some of our finalists have been very successful in developing their business. Every start-up dedicated to promoting clean energy is most welcome to join our initiative and apply for the SET Award 2019.”
The SET Tech Festival, featuring the pitches of the finalists, will take place in Berlin on 9 April, 2019. The award ceremony will be hosted on the evening of the same day by the ‘Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue’ – an international conference jointly organised by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the Federal Foreign Office.

Christoph Frei, Secretary General of the World Energy Council, commented: “If we want to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals and climate objectives, we need to accelerate the energy transition through smarter policies, powerful new business models and technologies. SET identifies the best 100 start-ups and innovators to facilitate partnerships and support the transition. The Council is proud to be a partner of this dynamic platform and through it, move the needle towards a more sustainable energy system.”

In the current round, the SET initiative is supported by the Government of Canada as a country partner and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. In addition, it is joined by over 100 partners from the public, academic, non-government and corporate sectors around the world. Every year, the SET initiative also publishes a list of the top 100 start-ups working on the global energy transition (#SET100).

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