Category: Network

The Swedish Start-Up Ecosystem: Blixt and Sweden’s energy start-ups
The Swedish Start-Up Ecosystem: Blixt and Sweden’s energy start-ups Sweden’s start-up ecosystem is one of Europe’s most dynamic and innovative with many companies dedicated to energy transition. This is part […]

The SET Network Online Platform by Innoloft
We are very excited to share the launch of our new SET Network Online Platform, powered by our friends at Innoloft! This free and intelligent platform allows you to promote your […]

Green innovation in Sweden: An interview with Gustav Stenbeck
Sweden has been at the forefront of environmental protection for decades and has shown that it is possible to combine both economic growth and reduced emissions. The Nordic country will […]

SET’s Energy Book Recommendations for Quarantine Times
With the corona lockdown in full swing and the spring and summer sun upon us you’ll surely be keen for an escape through literature! Here is a selection of recent […]

SET Partner Spotlight: A talk with Germany Trade and Invest
Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI) is the economic development agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. With more than 50 offices in Germany and abroad, and its network of partners […]

Spring Update from the SET team
Check out the SET Spring Update video on our LinkedIn and Facebook! Dear SET family, We hope that you and your loved ones are keeping safe, healthy and optimistic. 2020 […]

The start-up ecosystem during COVID-19: A talk with Audun Abelsnes
With the World Health Organization recently declaring the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic, businesses, start-ups and investors have had to adapt to new developments very quickly. The spread of the […]

The start-up ecosystem during COVID-19: A talk with Gina Domanig
With the World Health Organization recently declaring the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic, businesses, start-ups and investors have had to adapt to developments very quickly. The spread of the corona […]

Start-up Spotlight: HydroPlat, Kazakhstan
SET was proud to have hosted the Climatelaunchpad Clean Mobility Theme award at the Grand Finale in Amsterdam! ClimateLaunchpad is the world’s biggest cleantech and green technology ideas competition, training […]

SET18 Finalist: BioLite’s Mini-Doc Series Unpacking the Micro-Revolution of Energy in East Africa
For half the planet, access to energy remains elusive, unreliable, and expensive. In east Africa, where traditional structures fail or are slow to form, a decentralized network of energy has […]