SET Award recaps

A look back at our past Start Up Energy Transition Awards. From 2017 to 2022.

SETTF23, SET23, SET Award, SET Tech Festival, Berlin, 2023

SET Award 2023

The SET Award 2023 featured two new categories: “Industry” and “Buildings & Construction“. It received +400 applications from 63 countries, which were then reviewed by our international jury of experts. The 15 finalists of the SET Award 2023 are drawn from 11 countries including Sweden, India, Germany, Kenya, and the United States of America. The winners of the five impact categories were announced in the course of the BETD Evening Reception & SET Award Ceremony on 28 March 2023 in WECC, Berlin.

Image: Maximilian Grosser/ / dena

SET Award 2022

The sixth iteration of the SET Award received over 360 applications from 69 countries! The fifteen #SET22 finalists have demonstrated their innovative solutions to our international jury of experts during the SET jury meeting and to a broader audience at the SET Tech Festival 2022. The five winning start-up were announced in the course of the SET Award Ceremony, live from the Heeresbäckerei in Berlin.

Start-ups on stage at the SET Award Ceremony

SET Award 2021

For its 5th anniversary, the SET Award 2021 received 543 application from 89 countries! The winning start-ups have been announced during the Award Ceremony of the SET Tech Festival 2021, live from Radialsystem in Berlin. The motto of the year “Reduce, Reuse, Re-energize” gave participants the opportunity to rethink the industry through the theme of circular economy.

SET Award 2020

A record number of 570 start-ups from 90 countries applied for the award. Despite the unprecedented events following the COVID-19 outbreak, we were still able to showcase and award truly unique and innovative start-ups shaping the future of energy at our very first virtual Award Ceremony during the SET Week 2020.

SET Award Winners

SET Award 2019

More than 450 companies from 80 countries applied for the SET Award 2019, which honoured five winning start-ups in the field of climate protection and energy transition. The 2019 finalists and winners included those working on mass production of hydrogen, highly efficient grid distribution, smart meters, and more.

SET-Award 2018

SET Award 2018

The SET Award 2018 welcomed hundreds of applications from over 68 countries, after being launched at the COP23 in Bonn, Germany. The start-ups proved that they have powerful ideas to address issues concerning blockchain, renewable energy, the IoT, energy access and much more.

Hydrogenious Technologies at SET-Award 2017

SET Award 2017

The first-ever SET Award drew in over 500 applications from all around the world. Supported early on by prominent individuals such as Patricia Espinosa, (Former) Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, the SET Award 2017 highlighted the growing international community of innovators seeking to contribute to the energy transition and prevent increasing climate change.