
Category: Smart Mobility

Funding Stage: Early stage

Country: Netherlands

Award: Finalist

The complex mobility ecosystem makes it ​very hard to build a compelling ​and profitable mobility service provider (MSP)​. Deftpower are quickly building the Industry’s most advanced technology platform recalibrating EV drivers, their cars, charging points and the grid in a sustainable eco-system. Deftpower is delivering a flexible platform for mobility service providers (MSPs) where the driver is in the front seat of all charging decisions – with full transparency and control over prices and flexibility. It is the MSP that continues to have a relationship with the driver, wherever the charging happens (home, work, street) and is therefore the key for smart charging. The European Innovation Council (EIC) jury agrees – having recently granted Deftpower €2.5M to accelerate its journey in offering flexibility (increasing and decreasing charging when and where needed) to distribution grid operators across Europe. Only when the driver needs and the grids needs are met, electrification can succeed.